Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Wireframe of Geotopia

Using the Visual Studio 2013 RC, I created a cloud project with an ASP.NET webrole. When you add a webrole to your cloud project, the screen below appears.

I want to create an MVC app and want to use Windows Azure Active Directory authentication. To enable this you need to create a new Directory in your Active Directory in the Windows Azure portal. When you create a new directory, this screen appears.

Add some users to your directory. In this case, I have "" for now.
Go back to Visual Studio and select the Change Authencation button. Next, select the Organization Acounts and fill in your directory.

When you click Ok now you need to login with the credentials of one of your users you created in your directory. I log in with Next, select Create Project and your MVC5 app is ready to go. Before this application is able to run locally, in your development fabric, you need to change the return URL in the Windows Azure portal. Go to applications in the designated Directory on the Windows Azure portal. The newly created MVC project appears there, in my case it's Geotopia.WebRole. In this screen you see the app url which points to https://localhost:44305. This URL is NOT correct when you run the MVC5 app as a cloud project in the development fabric. Click the application in the portal and select Configure. Change the app URL and the return URL to the correct url when your app runs locally in development fabric. In my case: https://localhost:8080. When you run your app, you get a warning about a problem with the security certificate, but you can ignore this for now. After logging in succesfully, you will be redirected to the correct return URL (configured in the portal) and showing you that you are logged in. I also created a bing map which centers on the beautiful Isola di Dino in Italy with a bird's eye view.

In the next blog I will show how to create a Geotopic on the Bing Map and how to store it in Table Storage and how add your own fotographs to it to show your friends how beautiful the places are you visited. This creates an enriched view, additional to the bing map.

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